
Relationship b/w History and other subjects

The major aims of education in the unification of knowledge existing in different branches of learning. To achieve such a unification a conscious effort has to be made by teachers teaching various subjects. It is only by such a joint venture that we will be able to achieve the goal of unification of knowledge and bridge the gap that separates them.


Political science can be defined as a discipline concerned with the study of government, the political process and political decision making. Some o this is handled through courses that are technically history. Political science aims primarily to enhance a liberal education and secondly to provide practical knowledge of politics.  In the service of the liberal arts, political science examines the relationship of human beings to the state, of the states to each other, and politics to other dimensions of society and the environment. It also seeks t promote individual liberty and responsibility. Freeman’s famous statement, “history is past politics and politics is present politics”, comes to the mind while discussing the relationship between politic and history. Similarly, Seely says’, “history without politics has not fruit, politics without history has no root’.

Political science has a close affinity with history for it studies political theories and institutions. Knowledge of history is essential for the proper understanding of the evolution of political institutions. Although the two disciplines are interrelated, there are certain dissimilarities. History is not directly concerned with political conceptions and different institutions, as politics is not concerned with war and diplomacy. History gives importance to chronology whereas politics does not; history deals with events whereas politics with institutions, nevertheless, where research is concerned both follow identical methods, though politics is more selective. Political ideas are an area of common interest to both.


History provides material, inspiration, and background of contemporary events and conditions to literary persons. In its turn, literature throws light on popular taste, moral and intellectual standards, prejudices, ideas and inspirations of a nation. So both history and literature are closely correlated subjects.


In teaching history we provide opportunities to the students for discussing speaking, debating, paper reading as also of narrating their experiences in black and white. Thus, we find a sot of correlation existing between history and language.


History is intimately correlated to Geography and in 50’s the two subjects were taught together. They are twins, one stresses time and the other space. History studies people of different times and geography deals with the people of different places. No history can be complete without some reference to space. Similarly, no geographical account can be intelligible without reference to development in time. So both history and geography are concerned with the interplay of human and physical factors. The story of man’s evolution since the primitive stage, cannot be told without the varied geographical settings of the world. Man’s mode of living, dieting, and dressing, etc., are all determined by his physical environment. For teaching these subjects we use of maps, pictures, and atlases.


Civics describes the pattern of administration of the present-day while history gives an account of the pattern of administration that existed in the past. The knowledge of civics cannot be obtained without reference to history. Even the constitution is an outcome of the long history behind it. It is history that guides the actions and foundations of the government. It is history from that we get up-to-date knowledge about the origin, development and progress or decline of some of the social institutions. Thus, there is a close relationship between the two subjects.


Economics is the study of wealth which deals primarily with production, distribution, consumption, and exchange. But this study is concerning man and his daily life activities. Thus a correlation between history and economics is quite natural. Economic conditions play a vital role in the course of history. If a country could attain a height of civilization in a period, it must have been because of the good economic conditions of a country or various countries in various periods.


Art activities are quite intimately related to history. In history, students are required to draw pictures, battle-plans, graphs, maps’ timelines, and time charts, etc. They are also required to prepare models of buildings, costumes and stage scenery for dramatic performance. This type of teaching aids is a must for the teaching of history. All these aids are the products of Art and crafts. Thus, art provides a base for the teaching of history. It also makes the subject interesting and delightful.

The history of the development of art forms the subject-matter of history. What was the condition of the art during the Gupta period or Buddha period or Mughal period can be known to us only through history? Had there been no history, we would not have learned about the various styles of art.


The relationship between history and Mathematics is reciprocal. History helps mathematics to know about various mathematicians who were pioneers in their field and enriched mathematics by their contributions. History also provides information about the origin and development of mathematics. Mathematics helps history in regards to the calculation of dates and days etc. of various historical events.


Sociology has a wide scope of the study. It studies the development of human society at large. Speaking, the subject-matter of history, geography, civics, political science, etc., could very safely be included within the broad scope of the study of sociology. Sociology gives us knowledge of the development of society. It aims at developing man into an ideal social being history is very helpful in acquiring the knowledge of the development of society under various periods and various.


Though no direct relationship is apparent between history and physical sciences indirectly there is a definite correlation between the two. All the principles and theories of science are based on facts and these are found out after a good deal of scientific study. But the knowledge as to how these principles evolved, developed and came into actual practice, can be acquired through the study of history. Thus, it is a history that gives us a picture of the development and progress of science.

The history teacher is working very closely with the science teacher when he is tracing the history of a scientific invention, narrating the biography of an eminent scientist or describing the impact of scientific development on human society. Advances in science and technology, as applied to human life, have revolutionized our social relationships to a great extent, in the present-day world.


History and theology are intimately related. Many of the wars and political upheavals were caused by religious feelings. Without knowledge of theology, it is difficult to have a thorough knowledge of history. Many of the wars and political upheavals were caused by religious feelings. Therefore, the knowledge of theology is very helpful for a historian. Without knowledge of theology, it is difficult to have a thorough knowledge of history.

Similarly, knowledge of history is also helpful for the knowledge of theology. The birth and growth or the establishment and foundation of various religions and sects are studied under history. The causes of failure and success of various religions form the subject matter of history. It is the history that gives us knowledge about the spread and importance of religion in a certain period or certain periods.


There is a definite relation between history and handicraft. While teaching history, we make use of models, charts, pictures, toys, etc. Teaching aids are an essential part of the teaching of history. These aids are the product of craft or hand-work. Thus, hand-work provides a lease of the teaching of history.


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