Biographical Anecdotes

The Lineage of the Lord of Mysticism

Gathered all the magical powers to create the Lord of Mysticism And are made to be born in the land of undisciplined beings I venerate those great beings and narrows their story. Born after the copulation of Kunzang Yab-Yum (Samantabhadra-Samantabhadri) in the sphere of Dharma, the beginning of all the Buddhas, Buddha Amitabha cited, “All beings that hear my name, May they come to my heaven. After accomplishing my great…

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Biographical Anecdotes

Lopen Kinzang Longdrel

The Buddhist have believed that knowing and learning of the past great saints, masters, and yogisthrough their biography encourages the beings of present and future to pursue Buddha-dharma to escape from this samsaraand attain nirvana. Such written works and biographies are the source of inspiration to people taking the path of Buddha-dharma. Most people without question believe in the power of the great masters of Buddha Dharma to break the sentient beings living in…

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Biographical Anecdotes

Trulku Ogyen Sangdag Rolpa’i Dorji’s biography

Figure 1.1 11th incarnation of Drupchen Sangdag Zhadpa’i Dorje, Trulku Ogyen Sangdag Rolpa’i Dorje Biography Trulku Ogyen Sangdag Rolpa’i Dorje is a writer, poet, practitioner, and Buddhist spiritual master from Bhutan. He was born to his father Mani Lama Phento and mother Pechi on the 15th day of the fifth month of the Bhutanese calendar in 1984 in Baling village, Langthel Gewog, in the district of Trongsa, central Bhutan. His…

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