Research Articles


It is located at the centre of Taktse Village overviewing the entire village. The temple is surrounded by houses and adjacent to it lies the College of Language and Culture Studies (CLCS). In the past, the temple used to serve as the winter residence of the Bumthang Choedra Lama. The historical legends of the Taktse Sang Ngag Chholing Lhakhang, locally called Taktse Lhakhang is unclear. So far there is no…

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Avoid Moaning and Groaning

 If you complain all the time, you will soon be very unhappy. You will not be able to institute change and improve your self. Moaning, groaning, and complaining is negative emotions which prevent you from being objective about life. Instead, they make you feel discouraged and depressed. You will only feel unhappy with yourself, what you do and the life you lead. People who moan and groan are often very…

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A trips to Golden Temple (Amritsar)

Amritsar, most popularly known as Golden Temple is the holiest Gurdwara of Sikhism, located in the city of Amritsar, Punjab (India). It is two hours’ drive from Lovely Professional University (LPU). During my stay at LPU, I took an opportunity to visit Golden Temple, in Amritsar which is most reverence site of the Sikhism. Personally, to visit Golden Temple became one of my utmost hopes and desires, on hearing it’s…

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Recalling Grandma

I’ll miss you, dear grandma. It was on March 7, 2018, coinciding with the 21st day of Bhutanese calendar, early in the morning I received a called from younger sister Dorji, and informed; “acho, Ama dhe-na Ngaze Sesa”, she murmured and cut the call. I became wordless. I didn’t make further inquiry.  This news was as expected since for the last two days I has bad omen in my dream, which signalled something might happen soon within the…

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Biographical Anecdotes

The Lineage of the Lord of Mysticism

Gathered all the magical powers to create the Lord of Mysticism And are made to be born in the land of undisciplined beings I venerate those great beings and narrows their story. Born after the copulation of Kunzang Yab-Yum (Samantabhadra-Samantabhadri) in the sphere of Dharma, the beginning of all the Buddhas, Buddha Amitabha cited, “All beings that hear my name, May they come to my heaven. After accomplishing my great…

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Searching for Happiness

Life is full of journey set by its destiny. Once we are born as a human being or animal, we all need to challenge the way we are set to lead. There is no bar as such called rich and poor, weak and strong, old and young, etc… Everyone needs to stand and obey the natural law to be happy in one’s life. Depending upon, one’s faith and destiny, we all…

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Gross National Happiness (GNH)

Gross National Happiness (GNH)

GNH is a philosophical concept, idea and ideology which embraces (follows) every aspect of development policies in Bhutan.  GNH is policies for people to make them happy and for the nation to attain the development in the sense it should focus on the balance between a spiritual and material development. Former Prime Minister Lyonchen Jigme Y. Thinley (2004); Gross National is a unique and primary development philosophy initiated by the His…

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Biographical Anecdotes

Lopen Kinzang Longdrel

The Buddhist have believed that knowing and learning of the past great saints, masters, and yogisthrough their biography encourages the beings of present and future to pursue Buddha-dharma to escape from this samsaraand attain nirvana. Such written works and biographies are the source of inspiration to people taking the path of Buddha-dharma. Most people without question believe in the power of the great masters of Buddha Dharma to break the sentient beings living in…

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Countenance of Education

Education is only the irresistible journey that ushers us the better prospect in this challenging twenty-first century. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines Education “as the process of teaching or learning in a school or college or the knowledge that you get from this.” I view, excelling in education is the door to open greatness in life, strive to be excellent in education. The greatness will come automatically. In the absence of good and proper education,…

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Which one to opt the success or an excellent?

 I wonder why I am so crazy for success? But an answer is. Nobody wants a plight of the destitute future. Everyone looks success a key to full filling what we aim, what we think, what we desire, what we deserve to be? I also had a dream and hope to be a successful one among thousand competitors. But forget to question what are the factors that determine a success…

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