
A trips to Golden Temple (Amritsar)

Amritsar, most popularly known as Golden Temple is the holiest Gurdwara of Sikhism, located in the city of Amritsar, Punjab (India). It is two hours’ drive from Lovely Professional University (LPU). During my stay at LPU, I took an opportunity to visit Golden Temple, in Amritsar which is most reverence site of the Sikhism. Personally, to visit Golden Temple became one of my utmost hopes and desires, on hearing it’s…

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Recalling Grandma

I’ll miss you, dear grandma. It was on March 7, 2018, coinciding with the 21st day of Bhutanese calendar, early in the morning I received a called from younger sister Dorji, and informed; “acho, Ama dhe-na Ngaze Sesa”, she murmured and cut the call. I became wordless. I didn’t make further inquiry.  This news was as expected since for the last two days I has bad omen in my dream, which signalled something might happen soon within the…

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Searching for Happiness

Life is full of journey set by its destiny. Once we are born as a human being or animal, we all need to challenge the way we are set to lead. There is no bar as such called rich and poor, weak and strong, old and young, etc… Everyone needs to stand and obey the natural law to be happy in one’s life. Depending upon, one’s faith and destiny, we all…

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Blog, Reflection/Perspectives

It’s talk, and it never gets anywhere

Is it possible that I, too, am a gossiper? Or am I just talking and making conversation for the sake of gossip? However, researchers frequently define gossip as “talking about people who are not present.” For me, however, gossip is “something that comes very naturally to us,” and it is an essential part of the conversation, information, information sharing, and even community building. What could be the real reason for…

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Thoughts that pass through…

As a father, an adult man, a leader, and a teacher, I have heard enough of many things. I’ve lost half of my life. I also don’t know how long I will use the rest of my life. I have worked hard and been honest without looking for more benefits or rewards from my family, relatives, society, students, my colleagues, or immediate manager. I did what I felt was good…

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Don’t air your grievances

Complaining will just make you feel worse about yourself. There is no way for you to improve your situation, and there never was. Words like “complain,” “moan,” and “groan” imply the presence of negative emotions, which hinder decision-making abilities. They will simply make you feel worse in general. You’ll never be satisfied with who you are, what you do, or the outcomes of your life experiences. If a person has…

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Life goes on!

I came into the world all by myself. Are doomed to die alone Because of the vagaries of both time and space, our future holds equal potential for happiness and suffering. Life that goes on. Continuity in joy and wealth is highly prized by me. I attribute my unquenchable thirst to the many people who share same ambition. The pursuit of tranquility and financial success is equally important to them.…

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The biggest threat to social science fields’ long-term existence

The importance of the arts and humanities transcends all generations. The humanities and arts teach us a great deal about the past and assist us in predicting the future. When did the value of social science in the twenty-first century become debatable? Understanding the past is necessary for any growth process based on facts and the truth. Without a past, we cannot just jump to technocrats’ talents. The roots of…

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What causes our lack of direction?

I’m curious as to where I’m headed. What I am sometimes doing. It affects my emotional state in life. The shift that is beneficial for the country has produced widespread terror among the Druk Yul populace. Did it make people believe it is normal and acceptable, or did it force them to feel the opposition has yet to be defined correctly? It demotivated many public workers, corporate workforces, and private…

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Justice is to advantage of the stronger

Justice is defined as providing fair treatment to each individual without exception, regarding their personal rights according to land laws. Similarly, there are three principles of justice; ‘equality, fairness, and access’. Where is justice in the society we are living in? I agreed with Thrasymanchu, “Justice in our society is to advantage of the stronger”. He further argues that “justice is whatever is in the interest of the stronger party in…

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