Research Articles


It is located at the centre of Taktse Village overviewing the entire village. The temple is surrounded by houses and adjacent to it lies the College of Language and Culture Studies (CLCS). In the past, the temple used to serve as the winter residence of the Bumthang Choedra Lama. The historical legends of the Taktse Sang Ngag Chholing Lhakhang, locally called Taktse Lhakhang is unclear. So far there is no…

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Cultural Heritages of Bhutan, Research Articles

The historical legend of Lhakhang Nagpo

The Lhakhang Nagpo is a 10-15 minutes’ walk toward the north of the Lhakhang Karpo. It is located at the base of lord Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig) mount at an altitude of 3,411 meters away from sea level. The Lhakhang stands adjacent to the Dumchoe village under Uesu Gewog.   History An oral account narrates how one realized Buddhist master arrived in the Haa valley before there was any human settlement. He…

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Cultural Heritages of Bhutan, Research Articles

Lhakhang Karpo: An ancient Temple of Bhutan

Lhakhang Karpo is located in Uesu Gewog at Dumchoe village at an altitude of 3,366 meters above the sea level adjacent to the Wangchuck Lo Dzong. It is one of the most important, magnificent, and sacred holy sites tracing back to the 7th century A.D. Since 1985, it has been serving as the center of the Haa District Monastic Body History The Lhakhang Karpo is located at the base of…

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Cultural Heritages of Bhutan, Research Articles

Meri Puensum: The three towering hills of Haa

Meri Puensum is the collective name given to the three towering hills that cover all five chiwogs of the Eusu Gewog in Haa. These three small mountains rise up sharply to the west from the floor of Haa valley. The people of Haa believe that it represents the principal Buddhist deities – Jampelyang (Manjushri), Chana Dorji (Vajrapani), and Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara) known as Rigsum Gonpo. This magnificent range provides a cultural…

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Research Articles

How to Reduce plagiarism in the student’s Assignment: An Action Research Case study

Abstract: Plagiarism in student’s assignment is rampant in the college and presents a growing concern for a tutor who is intent on upholding academic integrity. However, a myopic view of plagiarism as a purely ethical issue is misguided. It is not always merely a deliberate attempt to deceive. Through the involvement of first-year students of BA in Bhutanese and Himalayan Studies (BHS) programme, this case study uses an action research…

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Research Articles

An Account of Lopen Kinzang Longdrel

Introducdion The Buddhist has believed that knowing and learning of the past great saints, masters, and yogis through their biography encourages the beings of present and future to pursue Buddha-dharma to escape from this samsara and attain nirvana. Such written works and biographies are the source of inspiration to people taking the path of Buddha-dharma. Most people without question belief in the great’s power masters of Buddha Dharma to break the sentient beings living in the…

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Research Articles

Ogyen Choling Zangdopelri: Bardo Gewog

Description Ogyen Choling Lhakhang is located in Ogyen Choling village, which is approximately 80 kM drive from Zhemgang, and a thirty-minute walk from Khomshar primary school. The temple is approximately 3km away from Bardo gewog centre and it provides a nice vantage point for Khomshar Village. The temple is situated at an altitude of 1410 metres above sea level. History The name ‘Ogyen Choling’ is derived from the many sacred…

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Research Articles

Bonbji / Bemji Choje Nagtshang: Nubi Gewog

Description The three-storey Bonbji Choje Nagtshang (a building traditionally belonging to rulers or religious leaders and their lineage) is located approximately 16 km (a 1½ hour drive) up a feeder road from Gezam bridge on the Trongsa–Wangdue highway. The Nagtshang stands at an elevation of 2300m, close to Bemji Community Primary School on a hilltop overlooking eleven villages: Pang, Jonthang, Kamshaing, Gagar, Dranishing, Trem, Simphu, Gonpa, Threhel, Dabai, and Kabu.…

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Research Articles

Dongag Wosel Dargyeling Monastery: Bardo Gewog

Description Dongag Wosel Dargyeling Monastery is located on a hilltop of Khomshar village at an altitude of 1739m above sea level. The temple is approximately 8 hours’ drive on the Buli-Khomshar farm road from Zhemgang town.  The monastery is an important religious institution in the community, where ancient monastic tradition is taught. History The place where the temple is located is the most revered sites in Khomshar village, supposedly blessed…

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