
Avoid Moaning and Groaning

 If you complain all the time, you will soon be very unhappy. You will not be able to institute change and improve your self. Moaning, groaning, and complaining is negative emotions which prevent you from being objective about life. Instead, they make you feel discouraged and depressed. You will only feel unhappy with yourself, what you do and the life you lead. People who moan and groan are often very…

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Countenance of Education

Education is only the irresistible journey that ushers us the better prospect in this challenging twenty-first century. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines Education “as the process of teaching or learning in a school or college or the knowledge that you get from this.” I view, excelling in education is the door to open greatness in life, strive to be excellent in education. The greatness will come automatically. In the absence of good and proper education,…

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Which one to opt the success or an excellent?

 I wonder why I am so crazy for success? But an answer is. Nobody wants a plight of the destitute future. Everyone looks success a key to full filling what we aim, what we think, what we desire, what we deserve to be? I also had a dream and hope to be a successful one among thousand competitors. But forget to question what are the factors that determine a success…

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Fidelity Learning

Learning never ends in one’s lifetime. It is a continuing process. So, in this case, honest and loyal learning is necessary to set objective and target of every individual. Thus, fidelity learning can be defined as loyal or faithful learning.  I think training and workshop to classroom learning need to apply fidelity learning.  Sometimes I wonder how can we set a fidelity learning all throughout one’s life. I questioned myself…

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Reading: An inspiration to make a difference?

Reading fire up one’s imagination, provide solace in times of grief, and open one’s world. Some read for pleasure, to improve and ability to focus on their disciplines, to increase general knowledge, to improve concentration, and to motivate themselves. Whatever it may be, remember, “There is no friend as loyal as a book”, said American author Ernest Hemingway. The importance of a reading habit is indispensable for our professional success,…

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Does loyalty and integrity (Tha Damtse) and Corruption (Ngen-lay) go hand-in-hand?

Where are we going right and wrong is a question nowadays? I heard enough of loyalty and corruption conversation. Nobody feels safe in the system. One who does right is always targeted by the beneficiary of the wrongdoers. That is the philosophy of life where crooks remain and those who work honestly are victims of the system. Sometimes I view corruption and loyalty go-hand-hand.  In the name of accountability and…

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It is all due to blessing of Root Guru!

Whatever, I do and achieve, it is the blessing of the root guru. I am indebted to you. I always pray, may you continue to bless me more in the future too. This achievement of P1 (Grade 4) position level is itself is a great success bestowed upon by handwork and blessing of my Tsa-Wai-Lama (Root teacher). Because many takes approximately 13-18 years to reach this stage of position level. …

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Dreams become a wing of success!

I have dreams in my life. Earlier my dream as a student is to become a driver, police, teacher, Health Assistant (AH), and agriculture extension officer, and forest guard. As a child, I am able to see only these civil servants as an icon of my life after class X and XII. That’s only thought for a hinterland world. We cannot dream and expect more than what has been seen…

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Reflecting on a bygone day

Life is so short and uncertain. Everyone agreed with it! No argument. But where are we heading? I am not sure whether we are civilised human beings or not. We act as if we are not at all educate people sometimes. I am a listener and will continue to be a great listener. I shall never try to object if anyone’s says it possess logic and merits to listen. If…

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Beat the clock to achieve one’s vision

We are aware of old rhyme regards to the time that says, ‘time and tide waits for none’. Still, then pupils are not against the clock. And they complain time is not enough for them to complete an assignment, presentation, debate, project work, and so on. When there are free, pupils waste leisure time. No, productive work was done. They think everything can be done at a time as if…

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