Cultural Heritages, Cultural Heritages of Bhutan

Why recite Kangjur Text?

In all Buddhist traditions, reading or chanting the Buddha’s Teachings, commonly understood as the Sutras, is considered extremely virtuous and equally potent. In Vajrayana Buddhism, it is written that “In future, during degenerate times the Buddhas will manifest in the form of sacred Texts.” Thus, the Kangyur is considered an equal manifestation of Lord Buddha himself.

Reading/reciting the entire Kangyur is the most powerful way of accumulating immense immeasurable merits. Traditionally in Vajrayana Buddhism, Kangyur texts are often read when confronted with enormously huge obstacles, or to prevent something terrible from happening. It serves as an antidote which averts not the simple tiny kind of challenges faced by an individual but rather the greatest obstacles that affects many people and society at large.

We sincerely pray and offer all the merits of this “Kangyur Reading/Reciting Program” for the long life and good health of our most precious root guru, the 4th Penor Rinpoche Mingyur Dechen Garwang Zilnon Dorje. We also pray that all great masters, the noble sanghas, and Dharma practitioners possess all the favorable causes and conditions to attain enlightenment within this very lifetime and benefit limitless mother-beings.

Lastly, we sincerely pray for the longevity of Wangchuk Dynasty for it is because of our hereditary kings that Bhutan is perhaps the only country in the world where Vajrayana Buddhism is actually practiced and flourishes.

May Wangchuk Dynasty Live Long!

May the world be peaceful and prosperous!

May loving-kindness permeate the minds of all sentient beings!

Khomshar Kangyur Tshogpa.

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