
Everyone has shortcoming

I am not an accomplished person. I have many short-coming. I can accept fault. I desire to develop my personality. So I can assume critics whether constructive or destructive. Because I am a human being, I can revise previous action and take necessary action.  But my gentle reminder is don’t take easy with me. If you are tough no matter, I am firm with my decision. 

I consider applying Newton’s third law, “Every action has the equal and opposite reaction” is not a best distinction. In the long run, it twists our figure and reputation. So always best not to react with critics and gossiped. They may try their best to damage one’s prestige and threatened inner peace, which every sentient being owe for it. 

Although, human beings’ route and destination are not at the same. So don’t foresee the same faith and same reward in a life. Sometime we may fail and occasionally we may rise. That’s because of the cause and effect of past karma. So keep complete faith in karma. Karma will determine our action. Gossipers and talkers are just reminding us, something they found wrong with our behaviours so analysis and respect our short-coming. 

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