
I am Ok. If you’re Ok.

I am OK. If people are happy. I don’t need to highlight everything. I am fed up with people who always spy and do things to achieve a personal vendetta. They are revealing their true mindset and character in toppling the cooperation. Knowing their plan I became wordless, senseless, and thoughtless. I have one message; “How long will your success continue?”. If I am not wrong, I think people can easily judge, if not god is there to judge.

Henceforth, I shall live simple. Also, I will try my best to work according to role and responsibility. I shall never interfere in someone’s life and work whether it is in the workplace or private life. I shall also never seek their assistance. People today are more of gossiper than helping. Who knows someone so close can be a worse enemy within a second. Nobody should be trusted. I trust the only god and seek his blessing not crook people’s blessing.

In July 2020 month, many incidents occurred, it still lingers in my mind where did I went wrong? Why people are grilling me? I cannot work under some body’s pressure. I have no ego but no filter at all to say what I felt to someone. I have no personal quarrel with anyone. In a workplace, talks happen over indifference in views and opinions, and not toppling over the cooperation. People who destroy cooperation need to think twice before it is too late. This is not my institution. This institute will remain forever but as a person whether good or bad, nobody care since it is bound by time.

I can sense their deliberated motive. Their deliberated attitude would be punished by “karma only” when the time comes. One’s motive should not create disharmony in pushing personal vendetta to professionals. In reality, we should keep our discourse within self and work together for the larger interest.

I think it is mainly caused by ego within the self. Why people can’t avoid ego? why are they linking ego to professional place? I am shocked. I am surprised. I am worried. How long are we going to work together? Yes, we are entitled to our own opinion and indifference. That does not mean that one should oppose always and influence someone to achieve personal vendetta.

Whether people like me or not is secondary. I shall bound by role and responsibility. I shall pay my due respect and show courtesy to everyone irrespective of age, wealth, high, size, and knowledge. I have no grudge and personal vendetta. I love to work together, shine together, and move together with the blessing of triple-jem. That’s why IT’S OK FOR ME!

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