
Let’s work together, say no to indifference

For a couple of days, I was busy. I have a role and responsibility to shoulder beyond teaching and learning schedule. That’s the only way of enriching and experiencing in the workplace. I am doing it since I am recruited to work somewhat and shall continue to do beyond academic hours. I am ready to invest my time and energy to contribute whatever I can.

But some colleagues are not happy with what I am doing. Please be pleasant! I assure everyone that my work is not a threat to anybody’s career and potential. I don’t know how to articulate and shapes one’s reputation and personality. It is right in the workplace; we may differ with our opinion, and indifference is most expected. Through indifference and argument, we can make the workplace a better place to manage and learn. To be frank, I am doing my work, my responsibility, and my professional integrity in the workplace. So do not consider threats and obstacles to your career.

If anybody thought, I am working in isolation, and it is your perception only. To date, I worked closely, and hereon will also continue to do that. I consult to ensure whatever I am doing is transparent and accountable in the workplace. Still, then I can sense some disapproval and murmurs. For that, I would suggest to work together and together we can make progress in the workplace. Let’s work together. As said by someone; coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is a success.

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