
Justice is to advantage of the stronger

Justice is defined as providing fair treatment to each individual without exception, regarding their personal rights according to land laws. Similarly, there are three principles of justice; ‘equality, fairness, and access’. Where is justice in the society we are living in? I agreed with Thrasymanchu, “Justice in our society is to advantage of the stronger”. He further argues that “justice is whatever is in the interest of the stronger party in…

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A Research Notes

3 Qualitative Research Methods You Should Know

Imagine that you want to understand why your mother loves making pancakes for breakfast. You could sneak around the kitchen, tracking when and how she makes pancakes, or you could just sit down and have a chat with her. Most people would agree that the chat will give a much better answer. If you want to understand people’s beliefs or thoughts, numbers (i.e. quantitative research) don’t always give the full…

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