
We should love all

Love is a feeling of likeness and affection towards someone. As this human life is one time. We have no power and authority to reborn again. We are not sure of where would be our next life.

Realizing death is uncertain. Feeling of love toward each other is very crucial in the society we are living in. I am also trying my best to love one and all. I am doing my best to serve one and all in this one lifetime. But having the affection of love for personal gain is not love. It is just a misusing our title of human birth which we get rare in thousand years according to our Buddhist tradition. Don’t waste your time on hated and criticism, complaining and enforcing, talking and gossiping.

Love to all

This life is so short. We have no time to stand and stir. We have no time to push and pull. Whatever time we have. We have to spend fruitfully. But fruitfully toward following the footpaths of the greats master of our time.

Among a master also choose a master whom you have devotion and faith. Then dedicate yourself to his instruction in this lifetime. Seek his guidance and blessing to make this human life as valuable as one wish.

If we focus on the love of spending time dedicated to helping and shouldering roles and responsibility, love is a must. Because without love there would be prejudice. A prejudice that would bring favoritism, nepotism, corruption, and disharmony in society. Thus, love is a must for all the activities we take in our daily life.

Every morning as I practice ཞི་གནས་ (meditation) for a few minutes I dedicated my small merits to all the sentient beings, not only to the person who is associate with me.

Try to inculcate love towards everyone!

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