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CLCS lecturers attended a day-long refresher on VLE to go online

In-house VLE workshop

A day-long refresher course on Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is organised by the Dean of Academic Affairs (DAA) on March 19, 2020. This workshop is part of a refresher course for the faculty and resourced by Mr Sonam Jamtsho, IT lecturer and Mr Chencho Tshering, ICT officer with the help of IT technician of the College. 

There are 27 lecturers who attended the workshop voluntary to enhance the teaching and learning through the VLE in the absence of a classroom session. 

Participants busy with VLE training

The participants were taught how to upload the assignment, resources, grading of students, videos uploading, providing feedbacks and also how to conduct  quiz, class test and meeting through VLE.  It satisfies most of the participants with the day long refresher course and felt satisfaction with outcomes of learning since it renew advance knowledge and understanding of a virtual learning environment. However, some lecturers who could not understand and willing to learn about zoom will continue to attend the refresher course on March 20, 2020.  
The decision to conduct in-house refresher was decided during ad hoc staff meeting held on March 18, 2020, after the Government issued directives to close all the schools and educational institutions in the country amidst the COVID-19 scare. Further meeting held on March 17, 2020, amongst the Presidents of the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) chaired by Vice-Chancellor, it decided to send students home and lectures to remain within campus to teach online.

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