Science & Culture

Contemplating for a right understanding

I am contemplating for Right understanding “to make some changes in my behaviour and my attitude”. My declaration does not mean to make major significant change but I mean to adopt my own principle of living.  I felt so sorry for the people whom I hurt them knowingly, assuming, and by recognizing. I now realized something needs to change within self (I) instead of trying to change other (body). The time has arrived for me to think and analyse what I am doing now and then? Who decide my work? Does someone else decide it or the situation outside decides it? So everything has limit so my living and behaviour.  I accept the fact that change must be from within and changing based on outside world does not last long. That’s true!

Till-date I am carried away by the outside world than internal world. Even if people around me criticize, I’ll take care no worth because it is human nature to say what thing to others without reflecting their own self (I). It also symbolize two things; lack of trust and confidence and their intention of doubt which invites problem than resolution. In this situation it is better to think what is natural acceptance or unnatural acceptance to me? Before taking any responsibility and shouldering duty I’ll do self-observation, self-awareness, self-exploration, self-verification, self-evaluation and self-reflection. If it is not accordance with my natural acceptance definitely I will discontinue.

It is through the right understanding, right feeling, and right thoughts I will be able to understand relationship, harmony and co-existence completely. When I am able to understand relationship, harmony and co-existence completely, then only I’ll decide right feeling, thoughts at all times with right feeling within, I will be in a state of continuous happiness. To enjoy the fruit of happiness in the society through right understanding is indispensable.

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