
Let people say:

I am not an accomplished person. I have many short-coming. I can accept fault. I desire to develop my personality. So I can assume critics whether constructive or destructive. Because I am a human being, I can revise previous action and take necessary action.  But my gentle reminder is don’t take easy with me. If you are tough no matter, I am firm with my decision.  I consider applying Newton’s third law, “Every…

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News - གནས་ཚུལ།

Happy Birthday la Rinpoche

On 48th birth anniversary of Venerable Khenpo Thubten Dorji, I join with dharma brothers and sisters to wish Rinpoche la “Happy Birthday”. To me you are true Amitabha – Buddha of Limitless Light, Buddha Shakyamuni – the historical Buddha, Buddha Maitreya – the future Buddha, Avalokiteshvara – Bodhisattva of compassion, Manjushri – Boddhisattva of wisdom, Mahakala – the guardian, Tara – female deity, Padamsambhava – Guru Rinpoche, Palden Lhamo – female guardian, Tsongkhapa – founder of religion, Vajrapani – Bodhisattva of power,  Rāhula-only son of Siddhārtha Gautama, Gyalwa Jangchub-Victorious enlightenment,…

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Blog, Historiography


Apart from Herodotus, the Greek historiography owes a lot to Thucydides who made himself a noted historian of ancient Greece through his book History of the Peloponnesian war. The theme he selected from his writing was the struggle between two leagues of city-states-one led by Athens and the other Sparta- the Peloponnesian war. He explored all accessible sources for collection of materials so as to render his works monumental. As…

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Blog, Historiography


Herodotus, considered the ‘Father of History’, was born at Helicarnassus, Darian settlement in Asia minor, about 480 BCE. The period witnessed the ascendancy of Athens in Greece. Young Herodotus studies the poetry of the Greeks, especially the epics of Homer and learned the art of prose writing from works of Hecataeus. His curiosity to learn more about the world led him to long travel to Thrace, Scythia, Egypt and Babylon.…

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Blog, Historiography


Homer is one of the most popular of the early chronicles who wrote Iliad and Odyssey, narrate the splendor of Greece. Dionysius wrote a history of Persia in 5 books. Charon, a contemporary of Dionysius, was author of two important works-a History of Greece  and a history of Persia. However, it was Hacataeus who laid the foundation of Greek historical writing. A witness to the Persian invasion of Greece, diplomat,…

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Blog, Historiography

Greek Historians

As a matter of the fact, historiography is the product of  Greek mind, which made it as a powerful a branch of knowledge as literature and philosophy. For a long, ancient Greece was lost in politics and conflicts. Until the climax of her civilization, the country produced no real history. Yet, the circumstances appeared favourable for the development of historical sense and historical writing. Situated on the higway between the…

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Here I draw three steps: for self improvement

I shall consume no time. I have lots of responsibility to accomplish on time.  Managing time is tough for me.  Many scholars argue that ‘person who knows how to manage time will achieve within a plan period’. But those who could not manage will fail to reach a set goal. Till date, whatever I do “pro-castration” became a regular triumph.  Today I declare within self:  “I will work hard and manage time for three things. 1.…

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Jammu & Kashmir is India’s Internal Matter

Restructuring of the Jammu and Kashmir as a Union Territory is an Indian’s internal matter in line with her constitution. This is the bold decision of PM Shri Narendra Modi and the Home Minister of India. I would go for to applaud Shri Modi and Amith Shan for a standing a solid decision for the development of a nation in large. The resolution of the Modi government brought Jammu & Kashmir with…

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Here I pick up the next step

What is further important to a human being is self-development? I thought for two days and midnight, where am I doing best and poorer than of now? I could understand things I am forming a flaw. For that now, I need to improve within self instead of depending on an external factor.  The following were those things I need to look back and correct.1. Will explore to improve oneself; Improving…

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Trust Ken-cho-sum only

We are just a guest. We may not know when we’ll leave and how long we’ll stay. Every fraction of second is uncertain. We may know how short our life is. But irony of people around us is that they think and assume, otherwise. In this world, everything is impermanence. God alone is true friend. God alone we can trust. This life is short, trust Ken-cho-sum only. Trusting god alone will…

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